Audience classification
1) Media Factsheet
Read Media Factsheet 232 - Approaches to Studying Audiences. You'll find all our factsheets in our Media Factsheet archive: M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets. You can also access them online here if you use your Greenford Google login. Read the factsheet and answer the following questions:
1) How is audience defined in the Factsheet?
A general term for all of the people who consume media
2) What does the infographic for Gen Z in the age of Covid-19 suggest about the media Gen Z consumes?
over half of gen z is consuming significantly more media content after covid-19 than before
3) How do media companies target and measure their audience in the digital age?
They track their users data
4) What did the NRS used to do and what does PAMCO do now?
National Readership Survey - collected demographic information about the audiences of newspapers and put them into social grades
A Upper middle class
B Middle middle class
C1 Lower middle class
C2 Skilled working class
D Working class
E Non-working
collects information on the audience of traditional newspapers, magazines as well as their oline versions
5) How are demographics and psychographics defined in the factsheet?
• Mainstreamer
A common category which most of us belong to for at least
some of our consumption.
• Reformer
People who want to change things and who care about
• Succeeder
Wealthy consumers who tend to buy premium goods.
• Aspirers
People for whom outward appearances and brand names
are important.
• Strugglers
People with low disposable income for whom everyday
existence may be a struggle.
• Resigned
Often older and very conformist, enjoy predictability in their
day-to-day existence.
6) Now read the rest of the factsheet - we'll be studying these theories over the next few lessons. Choose one audience theory you think is interesting and explain why.
Uses and gratifications theory
audiences consume media for these reasons
Diversion -Audiences use media to escape from the stress of reality
Surveillance - To gain information on the world
Personal identity - using media as a reference for their interests
Social relationships - connecting with others
2) Psychographics presentation and reflection
1) Post the details from your psychographics presentation (details in the blogpost above) to your blog with all details of the couple you created and their media consumption (it needs to be on your blog individually but can be a duplicate of your partner's post).
Introduce your example couple that represents your group: Resigned
1) Make up their names: Richard and Lilith
2) Where do they work/study? Richard works as a librarian and Lilith works in a bank
1) Make up their names: Richard and Lilith
2) Where do they work/study? Richard works as a librarian and Lilith works in a bank
3) What do they do in their spare time? They walk their two dogs twice a day once at 9am and once at 4pm
They read the times newspaper on actual paper
The watch news channels and eastenders
The do have phones but they only use whatsapp and facebook and google occasionally
2) Reflect on what you have learned about psychographics. Which psychographic groups do you feel best fit YOUR lifestyle and personality? Explain how and why you made your decision and provide evidence justifying this.
I think I am a main streamer because I consume the main stream content that is popular at the time - I think that this is good because you stay up to date but I think that it causes a lot of micro trends and is not ethical because of fast fashion trends
I think that I could also be an aspirer because I do care about brands
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