

1) Give an example from film or television that uses Todorov's narrative structure of equilibrium, disequilibrium and new equilibrium. 

10 things I hate about you
equilibrium - Joey and Bianca are together
disequilibrium - Bianca is not allowed to go to prom unless her sister Kat goes but Kat refuses. Cameron helps Bianca go to prom by paying someone to take her sister in hopes that he will take Bianca to prom. Kat falls in love with Patrick but then realises that he was paid to be with her.
new equilibrium - Kat and Patrick go to prom together and Bianca and Cameron go to prom togther.

2) Complete the activity on page 1 of the Factsheet: find a clip on YouTube of the opening of a new TV drama series (season 1, episode 1). Embed the clip in your blog and write an analysis of the narrative markers that help establish setting, character and plot.

In this opening scene it starts with the main character copying a scene from another movie in a comedic way instantly showing that the show is not serious and is a light hearted comedic sit com. The costumes and the setting clearly shows that both to boy and the girl work for the NYPD because of their badges, the props such as the girls notebook and pen also help communicate their jobs as detectives. As the girl is asking the victim about the burglary the boy cuts in playing music on the piano this once again communicates that the show is a comedy but also instantly shows the difference between the two characters and presenting the girl as serious and hardworking and the boy as mischievous and someone who does not take his job seriously. This creates binary opposition between the ambitious nature of the girl and the more laid back nature of the boy. Once the boy solves the case the girl is disappointed even though they don't need to work anymore, this shows the playful and competitive relationship between the two characters. The competitiveness between the two and the jokes made suggest that the relationship is flirtatious and may suggest that a relationship will form between the two.

3) Provide three different examples from film or television of characters that fit Propp's hero character role.

Avengers infinity war
Hero - the avengers
Villain - Thanos 
Helpers - The other superheros

No time to die
Hero - James Bond
Villain - Lyutsifer 
Princess - Madeline
Helper - M
Donor - Q

Little women
Hero - Jo or Freddy
Villain - The book salesman
Helper - Mr Lawrence

4) Give an example of a binary opposition.

In Barbie the binary opposition is the colour and happiness in Barbie land and the sadness in the real world

5) What example is provided in the Factsheet for the way narratives can emphasise dominant ideologies and values?

Episodic narrative - Good for casual viewer and the disruption is fixed within an episode 
Overarching narrative - A story line that progresses through multiple episodes or multiple series 
Mixed narrative - from the perspective of multiple people
Multi strand overlapping narrative - has multiple narratives happening all at once with different characters

6) Why do enigma and action codes (Barthes) offer gratifications for audiences?

They make the audience want to continue watching the show or movie further to answer enigma codes and they grab the attention of the audience from action codes and might build tension with them

7) Write a one-sentence summary of the four different types of TV narrative:
  • Episodic narrative (the series)
  • Overarching narrative (the serial)
  • Mixed narrative
  • Multi-strand overlapping narrative (soap narrative)
8) How does the Factsheet suggest adverts use narrative?  

Adverts show a problem that can be solved using their product


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